Today the curiosity of my mum drove me to unpack, however my mum was faster than me to unwrap the things, accessories, jeweleries, salagrams and deities wrapped in indan newspapers and cloth of linings for saris. When left alone on her own, the first thing mum undiscovered was the silas.
She already had an idea of salagrams being some special Stones. She said that she will keep one in the house without asking me permission if she could take one. She kept on asking to confirm that these are some speacial Stones good to keep home and give good energy and if They protect from bad energies. Then the next thing she discovered was the brass deiti of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Seeing her lifting Gauranga Prabhu high up in the air and looking with adoration and a big smile on her face made me rush to grasp the deiti from her hand while trying to explain that He belongs to someonelse and not to us. However, like a child and with the entusiasm of a child insisting to have propheritorship over the deiti she didn’t want to accept nor gave up her curiosity. She didn’t care my warnings to keep her away from my bags with deities and paraphernalia.However, she kept on digging inside the bag as I was also almost inside the bag in panic with her trying to check where Nityananda Prabhu is and that everythingelse was in proper place trying to stop her from finding other deities and more paraphernelia related to Them and trying to find explanations for these statues in my bag and what They are and how to explain Them. I think I subtly wanted her to see the very beautiful, small Radha Krsna deities since I had already developed attraction to Them and have been desiring to keep Them being little bit exited to see that mum has somewhat desire to keep a deiti home but stil I was hesitant with some panic inside. But the things happened in the following moments naturally and spontaneously extinguished my wories and some relief and amazement took its place.
There was no need for any explanation at all, those moments can not be explained fully but can only be experienced. When mum saw some small part of little brass Radhe in my hand, she immediately went down to grasp Her from my hands. Before me saying a word, she expressed an unbelieveable show of devotional ecstacy as if she found a treasure within the bag although she is not a Krsna devotee at all. She started glorifying Radhe saying how beautiful the deiti is (she doesn’t use the word deiti, of course!). As she was holding and already looking for the best place in our living room to put Radhe, I showed her Krsna and at that point in my opinion she went avaduta. It was incredibly amazing to see my mum who generally doesn’t have a crazy state becoming overwhelmed just by seeing Radha Krsna together. She literally started dancing with deities in her hand. She tried to put Krsna first forward and then Radhe a little bit behind Krsna as I placed Them side by side. She tried some other arrangements to position Them.She moved some steps back to check which set up looked the best. To my exitement she started dancing, turning around herself. Moreover, she was dancing, turning around herself, singing and clapping hands in front of the deities. She kept singing this following song of hers to Them, “You beauties, you beautiful glass-eyed. You glass-eyed, black Hindu. You glass-eyed, black Hindu.” I was almost going to swallow my tongue. My mum went crazy seeing Radha Krsna and spontaneously became ectatic seeing the Divine couple and started glorifying. How effective it’s to take darshan of Radha Krsna since They can spontaneously awaken the soul of my mum who is an impersonalist who doesn’t have any knowledge of Radha Krsna at all.
I’m amazed to see howcome the natural and spontaneous love awakens in a person eventhough she is a non-devotee. Even some devotees, myself doesn’t have that much natural attraction or love for deities. I myself even don’t have a memorable moment of ecstacy seeing any deities when I showed any ecstatic symptoms but my mum being a non-devotee adressed Them as beautiful, black, glass-eyed. She danced in front of Them, sang to Them and naturally showed some attachment from the first moment of their meeting that she strongly refused to seperate from Them. She said that she won’t give These away although I insisted that They don’t belong to us. When I first told her that They don’t belong to us, she immediately refused and cut my words saying that, “No, that’s too much. If you didn’t get the bigger ones for me ( Gaura Nitai deities) than I don’t accept anything. I don’t care but I’m keeping Them here. They look great here. I will keep Them. I will look at Them every day and people will come and see Them.” I wasn’t showing any emotions from outside but inside I have gone stunned. I didn’t know whether I should jump crying out “Jaya, jaya!” or laugh like anything. I calmy told her that I will try to see what I can do. Then I told her trying to push my good luck by saying that she can’t keep Them because if she keeps Them she has to sing and dance in front of Them everyday and with the smile and entusiasm of a child, my 50 year old mum cheerfully not even with a moment’s of hesitation said that, “I will dance and sing to Them everyday, I will.” Holding her very natural smile which I haven’t seen for a long time and with the joy that I never see her Express in such an extroardinary situation for me and mum, she kept singing her song happily “Black, glass-eyed Hindu. Black, glass-eyed Hindu.”, with some natural joy of a small child. She also became adored by seeing Krsna flutes that I got for the deities.
Gaura Nitai and Radha Krsna are very merciful. I realise that love and natural adoration for Radha Krsna is not within our control at all, It’s all Their mercy otherwise how would my impersonalist mum devoid of any knowledge of Krsna become naturally attracted to these two statues as she says and show such ecstacy befitting to a devotee, just by touching and seeing Radha Krsna without any cultivation of knowledge. It’s simply Krsna’s mercy and His potency. Radha Krsna are so potent that They made me see and believe how potent They are by letting me realise even my mum who has no knowledge of Krsna and is not that joyful at all went avaduta showing unusal, extraordinary joy and ectacy for Radha Krsna.
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