~*~*~*English is below the entry~*~*~*

Nisan ve Mayıs ayları boyunca neredeyse ölü olan çoğu bitki ve sarmaşık artık tekrar çeşitli şekillerde görünür oldu, çünkü nemli toprakta kökleri aracılığıyla beslenirler. Bu sayısız bitki ve sarmaşık bazı maddi kazançlar için çetin kefaretler içinde kuruyan insanlara benzer ama sonradan amaçlarına ulaşır ve duyusal zevkle beslenerek çok rahat bir şekilde semirir.
Bhagavad-gita’da Brahma’nın gündüzü sona erdiği zaman evrenin meydanda olan tüm oluşumlarının hepsinin yok olduğu ve Brahma’nın gecesinin sonunda yaradılışın tekrardan tezahür ettiği söylenir. Böylelikle kozmik yaradılış meydana çıkışında ve ortadan kayboluşunda yağmur mevsiminde belirip meysim sona erdiğinde yavaş yavaş ortadan kaybolan sarmaşık ve bitkilere benzer.
Bitkiler ve sarmaşıklar daha fazla görülemeyeceği zaman bile tohumları kalır ve bu uykudaki tohumlar suyla temsa geçince meyva verir. Benzer şekilde, maddi doğaya hükmetme arzusunun hakim olduğu tohum-benzeri ruhsal kıcılcımlar da kozmik tezahürün yok oluşunun ardından bir uyku halinde kalır; ve kozmik tezahür yeniden belirdiğinde maddi doğanın rahmindeki tüm sessiz canlı varlıklar dışarı çıkar ve duyusal tatminle meşgul olmakla çok rahat bir şekilde semirir.
Kurtuluşa erişmek için, kişi tamamen saptırılmış arzu şekillerinden arınmalıdır. Bir canlı varlık arzularını söndüremez, ve arzu eylemlerini yüzelsel olarak silmeye çalışmak etkin arzuların kendisinden daha da tehlikelidir. Tüm arzular dönüştürülmeli ve ruhsal eylemlere yönlendirilmelidir; aksi halde bu aynı arzular aralıksız olarak canlı varlığı maddi esarete koşullandırmakla, tekrar tekrar farklı maddi zevk çeşitleri şeklinde kendilerini gösterir.
~ Prabhupada'dan Bhagavata'nın Işığı 18. Bölüm
~*~*~*For english please read the rest of the entry~*~*~*
Many plants and creepers that were almost dead during the months of April and May are now visible again in various forms, for they are nourished by their roots in the moist earth. These numberless plants and creepers resemble persons who dry up in severe penances for some material gain but then achieve their objectives and become luxuriously fat, nourished by sense enjoyment.
In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when the daytime of Brahma is over, the manifested creations of the universe all vanish, and after the end of Brahma’s night the creation is manifested again. Thus the cosmic creation, in its manifestation and nonmanifestation, resembles the creepers and plants that appear during the rainy season and gradually vanish when the season is over.
Even when the plants and creepers are no longer to be seen, their seeds remain, and these dormant seeds fructify in contact with water. Similarly, the seedlike spiritual sparks who are dominated by the desire to lord it over the material nature exist in a dormant state after the cosmic manifestation is annihilated; and when the cosmic manifestation reappears, all the silent living beings within the womb of material nature come out and engage in sense enjoyment, thereby growing luxuriously fat.
To attain liberation, one must be completely purified of perverted forms of desire. A living being cannot snuff out desires, and to practice artificially erasing the actions of desire is more dangerous than the active desires themselves. All desires should be reformed and directed toward spiritual activities; otherwise those same desires will repeatedly manifest themselves in different varieties of material enjoyment, thus conditioning the living being perpetually in material bondage. ~ Prabhupada's Light of the Bhagavata, Slot 19
In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when the daytime of Brahma is over, the manifested creations of the universe all vanish, and after the end of Brahma’s night the creation is manifested again. Thus the cosmic creation, in its manifestation and nonmanifestation, resembles the creepers and plants that appear during the rainy season and gradually vanish when the season is over.
Even when the plants and creepers are no longer to be seen, their seeds remain, and these dormant seeds fructify in contact with water. Similarly, the seedlike spiritual sparks who are dominated by the desire to lord it over the material nature exist in a dormant state after the cosmic manifestation is annihilated; and when the cosmic manifestation reappears, all the silent living beings within the womb of material nature come out and engage in sense enjoyment, thereby growing luxuriously fat.
To attain liberation, one must be completely purified of perverted forms of desire. A living being cannot snuff out desires, and to practice artificially erasing the actions of desire is more dangerous than the active desires themselves. All desires should be reformed and directed toward spiritual activities; otherwise those same desires will repeatedly manifest themselves in different varieties of material enjoyment, thus conditioning the living being perpetually in material bondage. ~ Prabhupada's Light of the Bhagavata, Slot 19
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