Kısa bir zaman önce Hindistan’ın en büyük festivallerinden biri olan Ratha Yatra, Lord Jaganatha’nın Araba Festivali Avrupa’da, 22 Haziran’da Londra’da kutlandı. Lord Jaganatha, Baladeva ve Subhadra’nın tüm dünyaya gösterildiği renkli arabalarının çekildiği festival Gopilerin en sevgilileri Krişna’yı eve, Vrindavan’a geri çektikleri gibi aşıkların da sevgilileri Krişna’yı eve çekişini temsil ediyor.
Londra’ya festivalden 3 gün önce, uçağımın yaptığı bir saatlik bir gecikmeden sonra 16:15 te vardım. Tren istasyonunun çıkışında ev sahibim Kola prabhuyu bekledim ve o da epeyce bir süre beni beklemiş olmalı ama ona ulaşamadım, beni istasyondan alacak başka kimse de yoktu. Bu yüzden ne yapacağımdan emin olamadan endişe içerisinde düşünebildiğim tek çözüm, merkezi Londra’da ki Radha Krişna Soho Tapına’ğını boylamak oldu. Ne çözüm ama! Yolculuğumdan önce bile vizem, kalacak yerim ve ev sahiplerim ile diğer bazı şeyler hakkındaki ayrıntılar son dakikaya kadar belli değildi, derken şimdi Londra’ya varmışken bile hala hiçbirşeyin belli olmadığını görüyorum. Şahsen ev sahiplerimi bile tanımıyordum ve önceden kendisileriylee tek bir kelime bile etmişliğim yoktu. Krişna tümüyle kontrolü eline almış olmalı çünkü öyle görünüyor ki hala ben hiçbir şeyde kontrol sahibi değildim!
Sonunda Soho Meydanı’na vardım. Taksi Govinda’s Restoranı’nının önündeki kaldırımın
Çok geçmeden görünürde zor olan bu zamanın aslında Krişna’nın hoş bir ayarlaması olduğunun ortaya çıktığını göreceksiniz. Londra sokaklarında dolaşmamızın ardından taksi 15 pound tuttu ama taksi şöförünün bozukluğu yoktu ve taksiyi önüne çektiği Govinda’s Restoranı’ndan da bozuk para çıkmayınca benden 12 pound almayı teklif etti. Bu ayrıntıyı da kaçırmayın çünkü herkesin kalbinde olan Krişna’dır ve benim henüz vardığım yer de Radha London Işvara’nın evinin önü. Enerjileri tüm o alana yayılıyor olmalı ve kesinlikle tapınağın pencerelerinden dışarı akan zikir ve Londra sokaklarında ki harinam partisi yoluyla da öyle oluyor.
Hatta şimdi Soho Tapınağı’nda bir geceliğine ama sadece tek geceliğine hayatı deneyimleme
Şimdi sıcak, genç görünümlü ufak ama yaşlı bir mataji beni tapınağın pek dar olan
Hala aklım gezinmeye devam ediyor, burada adananların ruh hali biraz daha farklı ve bende bunu hissetmeye çalışıyorum, bununla birlikte zihnim tahminler yürütüyor olmasına rağmen Prabhupada’nın varlığından ötürü huzur buluyorum ve Tanrı neredeyse, Prabhupada neredeyse oranın benim için ev olduğunu zihnime söylüyorum ve yalnız olmadığım için bu gerçekten de rahatlatıcı. Prabhupada’nın orada oturuyor olması beni öylesine rahatlatıyor ve huzur veriyor ki. Umarım yakında burada arati vaktinden küçük bir anıyı da paylaşıyor olacağım.
Krişna, Sana verecek hiçbir şeyim yok çünkü ben öylesine kötüyüm ki ama Prabhupada lütfen henüz sahip olduğum tüm bu merhamet ve iyi muameleye rağmen başarısızlıklarım için beni asla bırakma. Bağışlanmak istemeye utanıyorum ama lütfen beni unutma!
~*~*~*For english please read the rest of the entry~*~*~*
Last previous months has been passing by with festivals and celebrations and there is a lot that has been accumulated to share. Whilts in the bliss of selfishly experiencing the festival moments it took time in the midst of appearance days of Balaram, Krishna and deiti installations comin after another to get myself down to analyze, derive awareness out of experiences and write. Hopefully we will spare time to share the memories relating to the transcendental moments we have experienced successively.
Recently India’s one of the biggest festival Ratha Yatra, Festival of Lord Jaganatha’s Chariots was celebrated in Europe, London on June 22. The festival of chariots displaying the Lordships Jaganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra to the whole world, in which the pulling of Their colorful chariots takes place, represents the lover's pulling their beloved Krishna back home as the Gopis pulled their most beloved Krishna back home, back to Vrindavan.
I arrived in London 3 days before the festival at 16:15 after an hour delay of my flight. I waited for my host Kola prabhu at the train station and he must have waited for me long enough too but I couldn’t get through to him and there was no one else to pick me up from London train station. Therefore the only solution that I could figure out in my state of anxiety not being sure what to do was ending up at Radha Krsna Soho Temple in Central London. What a solution! Even before my journey my visa, accomadation and details about my hosts and some other things were quite unclear till the last moment, then I see now that even arriving in London still nothing is clear yet. I hadn’t even known my hosts personally and had not even spoken a word with them before. Krishna must have been fully in charge because it seems like I had had no control over things so far!
Through the joy of being in London where I desired to come so much and anxiety of my pumping heart still wondering in the deep wells of my mind generating different scenarios of what may happen, such as spending a night out on London streets, I was heading towards Soho temple in mixed feelings. Trying to feel this new atmosphere which doesn’t seem so different in the sense that there is not much different to me as far as where I live is considered and inspite of being new to me, London seems old indeed. Since my landing and the journey from airport to my next destination, I saw that Londoners were very helpful in contrast to what I had been told about this cold western country and it’s people. They had been giving smiles to me since I came out of the airport and there were even gentleman offering to carry my suitcase.
Finally I arrived at Soho Square. Taxi pulled by the side of the pavement in front of Govinda’s Restaurant. Now I can feel some relief and a greater bit of peace inside. Things doesn’t seem foreighn at all and I don’t even feel as such either. I see that the front of the temple and restaurant is quite busy but can’t observe freely because I am trying to sort out whether I am giving the taxi driver correct change or not. Until the end of my adventure in London I would have realised that I was still having trouble with pennies and pences J One single detail I forgot to tell you was I had had a short journey from the train station to the area where I was supposed to be staying with my host, looking for their apartment before coming to Soho Temple after not being able to find the address of Kola Prabhu. The next day it turned out that I had the old address of my host and the adres was not even complete and the phone number I had for Kola didn’t even work. However just see all the arrangement, then I was at the Soho temple reception sitting there explaining that I had just come from Istanbul,Turkey. Everybody was very inquisitive, asking questions if we have a temple and devotees there but all very kind and considerate to this new stranger who can’t get through to her host and who doesn’t have a place to go either and who is tired after a flight.
Soon you will see that seemingly difficult time had turned out to be a nice arrangement of Krishna’s. The taxi cost 15 pounds after wandering at London streets but the taxi driver didn’t have any change and couldn’t get change from the Govinda’s restaurant where he pulled by and offered to get 12 pounds from me. Don’t miss that detail either, it’s Krishna at the heart of everyone and Radha London Isvara whose front of house I had just arrived. Their energies must be emanating to that whole area and it certainly does through the chanting flowing out the windows of the temple and harinam party on London streets.
Now I even have the fortune to experince life in Soho temple for one night but just for one night because the temple will be full at festival time. Although we tried to make arrangements for my stay at the temple previously, we had been told that it would be full because of the festival. But I’ve happened to realise that our arrangements have no much meaning unless Krishna wants to take control personally. Now at the reception of the Soho Temple, devotees are trying to get through to Kola prabhu for me and even before that the first thing has been welcoming me with a plate of Maha Prasadam from Radha London Isvara and then comes the comforting words after many devotees trying to get through to Kola, “Don’t worry, you are at Krishna’s house, there is nothing to worry. He will take care of you!” Yes He did perfectly, indeed. Right from the beginning and from the first moment in London Krishna had been personally taking care of me. I was still really anxious because now I am thinking that is too much than what I must have deserved and thinking that everthing going that smooth hopefully won’t drop a bomb on me the next second, but no. This arrangement is not the nature’s karmic laws that one second good and the next comes the bad, however this is I feel strongly that Krishna’s reciprocating with me even for what I believe that I don’t have. I had just been told that there was going to be one empty bad in the lady’s ashram just for one single night. Soon I will be seeing Radha London Isvara at arati time.
Now an old but a warm young looking small mataji is taking me from the very narrow stairs of the temple up to the ladies ashram. Her name is Mother Ramashakti. Not being so sure indeed and if I am not wrong, she is from Mexio as it’s obvious from her accent and her warmness is reflected out very clearly. She has been living at Radha Krishna Soho Temple for so long and serving as a pujari. What she has been doing mainly everyday is to make garlands for the deities daily. Her finger tips are brownish and with small cuts for she has been making garlands for many years everyday, cutting flowers. She is introducing me all the different gates, halls, giving me the codes for ashram doors and making warnings that I may have to sleep at the staircase if I happen to forget the code and can’t get in the ashram after 9 o’clock as it has already experienced by a mataji who had to sleep at the stair case as a result of forgetting the code for front door of the ashram. There are 3 more matajis in the room where I will be staying. I will be sleeping on a bunk bed and the mataji sleeping down is one of the pujaris and I was told not to disturb the other mataji sleeping on the other bed since she is a sankirtan devotee and had been distrubuting books all day and fell tired.
I grabbed my pack of turkish delight and went downstairs to the temple room. The temple room is really small but cosy. Ceiling paintings reminding the heavenly skies and the carvings on the walls and around the pictures look really Indian and beautiful. Later I would find out that the ceelings are the result of my host Kola’s art work. Here the curtains open side and Wow! Sri Sri Radha London Isvara is really so beautiful!
Still my mind keeps wandering, the mood of the devotees is quite different here and I am trying to feel it, nevertheless I find solace because of the presence of Prabhupada in spite of my mind’s speculations and I tell my mind that whereever Lord is and wherever Prabhupada is, there is home for me and it’s really comforting that I am not alone. Prabhupada’s sitting there makes me feel so comfortable and in peace. I will be hopefully sharing a memory of arati time here soon.
Now what all matters is that Krishna welcomed me like anything and offered me nice prasadam and a nice bed. What more could I have asked for after all? I asked Mother Ramashakti who had been responsible for me if I could present a small gift to the deities, then I put the package of turkish delight on the altar behind the metal grills. Mother Ramashakti says that it is very good that I brought Radha London Isvara a small gift of turkish deligh and that Krishna must have been very pleased with it and for that reason I should see that after all He is accepting me to His house and personally taking care of me. She says that Krishna offered me a bed for the gift I remembered to bring Him. That’s really important! I am experiencing from the first hand that Krişna is reciprocating with me through so many incidents. There will be more to these realisations, because as Mother Ramashakti says so and as I will be experiencing from the first hand in the following days that I will have the chance of serving Krisha and directly entering to His special quarters, the Kitchen where only the pujaris and devotees after a long training downstairs at the temple room of sweeping and mopping for weeks become eligible to enter.
I will be learning how to make garlands for Radha Krisha, I will have made garlands together with Mother Ramashakti for Jaganatha’s to wear at the Ratha Yatra festival day. We will have made garlands for the parampara, I will have been engaged in the service of cleaning the pots, plates and cups of Radha London Isvara, directly touching Krisha’s personal paraphernelia and will be gifted for receiving direct Maha Prasadam from Their Lordships plate preperad right in Their kitchen where I am now. Mother Ramashakti will later tell me just before I leave London that I had been so fortunate that Krishna gave me service opportunitis and it’s all why we chant for, to ask for His service. She says, “You should understand that there must be something wrong if you are chanting but there is no service to do, but you are so fortunate and that Krishna is being really nice to you because from the beginning you came, Krishna offered a chance to you for His direct service. That’s very good.” She later also complimented that I had been really good making quick decisions about what is necessary to be done at the exact moment and that I would have been a good pujari, but I really know that it’s really her kindness, help, Krishna’s and His devotees’ mercy to engage me and gave me an opportunity to do some service within my little capacity. I know that I am not good at all in terms of perfect cleanliness and timing. I can see clearly before her how slow I am in making garlands and I won’t even compare myself to Mother Ramashakti because there can’t even be an issue of comparing such a great servant of Krishna to me who is just hardly peanuts but nothing more! Now when I am writing those lines, I realise now actually how much I have been showered by the rain of mercy and how fool I am for all the silly things and dirty things in my heart that I am stil holding.
Krishna, I have nothing to give You because I am so wicked but Prabhupada please don’t ever let me go inspite of my failures after all that mercy and treatment that I have just got. I am ashamed to ask for forgiveness but please forget me not!
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