~*~*~*English is below the entry~*~*~*
Hare Krişna! Paylastigimiz felsefe çok derin ve incelikli ama Prabhupada’nın adanmışlık ve entellektüel lütfuyla oldukça anlaşılır. Ne zaman şu soruları kendimize soracağız: Yaşam nedir? Neden buradayız? Hayatta ki amacım ne? Tanrı kim? Ne zaman yaşamlarımızı değiştireceğiz? Belki o gün bugündür? Karmaşıklaşan hayatımızda durup kendimize hayat için vakit ayıralım. Bu soruların cevaplarını Prabhupada’dan duyabilirsiniz.

~*~*~*For English please read the rest of the entry ~*~*~*
Hare Krishna! The philosophy we are sharing is deep and subtle but by Prabhupada’s devotional and intellectual grace it’s simple though. When will I ask ourselves those questions: What is life? Why are we here? What’s my purpose in life? Who is God? When will we change our lives? Maybe that day is today? Let’s cease in our lives that are becoming complicated to take our time for life. We can hear the answers to those questions from Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Philosophy does not become complicated; the mode of living becoming complicated—from simplicity to complication. Otherwise everything is there. Just like by nature’s law, the sunrise is not complicated. It is the same process (indistinct). So we are making complicated things underneath the sun. So if we know what is life, then there is no complication. But they do not know. Especially the modern education, they are making things more and more complicated. Therefore the so-called philosophy is becoming complicated.
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